THE STAR - Thursday, 21 June, 2007
It began before the start of the proceedings when Abdul Razak, 47, spoke to his lawyer Wong Kian Kheong from the dock before he had a quiet chat with his wife Mazlinda Makhzan and daughter Rowena, 20. With tears welling, Rowena was heard pleading with her father: “It’s suicide, father. It’s stupid.” The political analyst, Mazlinda and the normally cool Rowena were seen in tears again during an hour-long break in the morning. Even Abdul Razak’s burly friend Mark from London could not hold back his tears. The analyst’s siblings had to step in to help him regain his composure as others in the courtroom looked on in wonder. Calm prevailed only during the proceedings when private investigator P. Balasubramaniam continued with his testimony. The 47-year-old former policeman identified accused C/Insp Azilah Hadri, 31, as the driver of the red Proton Wira who drove a Mongolian woman named Altantuya away from Abdul Razak’s house in Damansara on Oct 19 last year. She was not seen alive again after being driven away that day. Related Stories: |