Pakistan vs Singapore

TUSSLE: Olympic Village Club’s Akbar Ali (left) vying for the ball with Md.Nurizzat Muhd Taib of Singapore Recreation Club during their Asian Champions Club semifinal at the KL Hockey Stadium, November 14, 2008. GLENN GUAN/The Star

Raja Petra!

Malaysia Today editor Raja Petra Raja Kamarudin leaving the Shah Alam High Court after he was released from his two-year detention under the Internal Security Act (ISA) at 3.20pm Friday, November 7, 2008.  The blogger and his wife Marina Lee Abdullah, are all smiles over the court decision. GLENN GUAN/The Star

Full story HERE at The Star

I WON!!!!

GOOD NEWS! I bagged the Grand Prize for the Picture KL 2008 Photography Contest; Open Category – KL Sky! Woohooo!!!


My winning entry – ‘Skybar’.

Kuala Lumpur mayor Datuk Ab Hakim Borhan (second from right) presenting me the prizes. Looking on are (from left) DBKL director-general Datul Salleh Yusup, KL Tower general manager for public relations & events Mazlan Mahmud and Solaris Hotspotz KL Sdn Bhd chief executive officer Ken Yam.

Kuala Lumpur mayor Datuk Ab Hakim Borhan looking at my winning entry 🙂

Me and the other prize winners.

Darran Tan of The Star took home 2nd Prize in the same catergory. The Star did a 1-2 finish! :)

Photos by Art Chen/The Star

I’m on ThinkTankPhoto brochure

Received a copy of ThinkTankPhoto brochure today from USA. 🙂 Check it out from your authorized ThinkTankPhoto dealers. hehehe!

Also featured, ThinkTankPhoto co-founder and Pulitzer Prize winning photojournalist Deanne Fitzmaurice and Rob Galbraith of Reuters.

MHL; TNB vs Maybank

TNB’s Tajol Rosli Mahamed flying in mid air after colliding with Maybank’s Hairul Nizam Rani (centre) during their MHL match at Kuala Lumpur’s hockey stadium, November 2, 2008. It ended with a 2-2 draw. GLENN GUAN. The Star

Traditional Welcome

TRADITIONAL WELCOME: Musicians blowing the ‘natheswaram’ to welcome Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak to the Bazaar Deepavali in Brickfields, October 23, 2008. Najib, who was accompanied by Federal Territories Minister Datuk Seri Zulhasnan Rafique, launched the bazaar in conjunction with the Deepavali celebrations. GLENN GUAN / The Star